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Intervention Teacher on Special Assignment (iTOSA)

Under supervision of the site principal, in coordination with Improvement and responsible for providing expertise in the planning, organizing, coordinating, and teaching of literacy/language and math interventions at the elementary level. In addition, the Intervention TOSA provides communication, support, and professional development for the successful implementation of multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS).

Shirley Sotero-Higa

Intervention Teacher on Special Assignment


Los Angeles Valley CC: AA Child Development
CSU Long Beach: BA Child Development & Multiple Subject Credential


  • Design and teach small group lessons who need Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 interventions. 
  • Participate as a member of the Site Leadership, Site Intervention Team, and other relevant work groups to exchange information, coordinate activities, and develop teacher support resources.
  • Serves as a facilitator of the CAPSS and 504 process and as a source for school staff providing support in identifying appropriate instructional strategies and interventions for all students including English Language Learners, Special Education students and others with diverse learning needs.